Unrivalled Expertise: Imise was founded in 2003 by Dr Michael Coyle shortly after completing his PhD.

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Dr Coyle began his career as a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) technician and has subsequently worked as a HGV driver, Lecturer in Vehicle Engineering, Advanced HGV Driver Training Manager, Depot Manager, Logistics Analyst, Project Manager and Research Fellow. Academically, he has a BSc (Hons) in Transport and Distribution, a MSc in Operational Research and his PhD “Optimising the Fuel Efficiency of Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) Fleets” was awarded in 2002.

He has worked on a number of commercial projects and UK Government Department for Transport (DfT) schemes. Including three of the four the Fuel Economy Advisor (FEA) schemes, where he was a senior advisor and also trained a number of consultants for one of the schemes. Additionally, he led the research project that resulted in the Safe and Fuel-Efficient Driving (SAFED) programme, which was developed with John Boocock. Furthermore, he has conducted research into self-financing fuel bonus schemes for drivers, as one of a range of techniques for sustaining improvements in fuel consumption and was a major contributor to, and appeared in, the ‘Save It’ videos, which were funded by the DfT and was a technical author to the Good Practice Guides: Fuel Management and Fuel Saving Devices.

Internationally, Dr Coyle was an Honorary Programme Advisor to The Department of Automotive Engineering and The Automotive Engineering Database Centre at The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education of the Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong from 2002 to 2010. From 2004 to 2012 he was also an Honorary Advisor to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Large Vehicle Testing (R & D) and Emissions Centre.

He was the lead consultant on the New Zealand Government’s 2008 Fleet Commitment Project, “Survey of Key Influencers, Fleet Operators, and Drivers of Heavy and Light Commercial Vehicles in New Zealand To Ascertain the Practices, Attitudes, Perceptions and Barriers to Change in Relation to Introducing Fuel Efficiency Interventions”. Additionally, he was the UK member of American Trucking Associations (ATA) Technology Maintenance Council (TMC) Energy Focussed Driver Training Task Force 2010 – 2011.